
Genre, history and artistic movementsBody politics
Women’s sport in the eyes of artists at the turn of the 20th century - AWARE
06.08.2024 | Marine Nédélec

Women’s sport in the eyes of artists at the turn of the 20th century

Let’s get straight to the point: modern sport was created by men, for men. It was in 1871, follow... Read more
Parisian scene of the early 20th century
Pioneers: Artists in the Paris of the Roaring Twenties - AWARE
28.03.2022 | Eléonore Besse

Pioneers: Artists in the Paris of the Roaring Twenties

During the interwar period, Paris was seen as a place of cultural, artistic and sexual liberty, a... Read more
Body politics
The Representation of the Nude: Between Affirmation and Subversion - AWARE
20.11.2020 | Sibylle Vabre

The Representation of the Nude: Between Affirmation and Subversion

In academic art education as it was organised until the 19th century, the representation of nude ... Read more
Parisian scene of the early 20th century
Foreign Artists in Paris in the Early 20th Century - AWARE
06.11.2020 | Nina Meisel

Foreign Artists in Paris in the Early 20th Century

At the turn of the 20th century, the Paris of the Third Republic had not yet ceded its place as t... Read more
Pictural genres reinvested
Still Life : stylistic exercise ou artwork? - AWARE
23.10.2020 | Nina Meisel

Still Life : stylistic exercise ou artwork?

Still life had its golden age in the 17th century, notably in northern Europe with the paintings ... Read more
Genre, history and artistic movementsMedium through the gender prism
Photography, a women’s story? - AWARE
09.10.2020 | Sibylle Vabre

Photography, a women’s story?

At the time of its invention, in 1839, photography was seen as a young medium with democratic goa... Read more
Committed artists, creation in support
Rewriting Memories and Denouncing History: Postcolonial Art - AWARE
24.07.2020 | Nina Meisel

Rewriting Memories and Denouncing History: Postcolonial Art

Ideological and political struggles and art often converge and fuel one another, offering each vi... Read more
Parisian scene of the early 20th century
1937: The Year for Women Artists in Paris - AWARE
10.07.2020 | Nina Meisel

1937: The Year for Women Artists in Paris

The inter-war period was a promising environment for the promotion of women on the cultural scene... Read more
Medium through the gender prism
Art in Movement: Women Pioneers of Video Art - AWARE
26.06.2020 | Julie Sabau

Art in Movement: Women Pioneers of Video Art

Before becoming a full-fledged medium, video was intrinsically linked to television. It wasn’t un... Read more
Private space, public spacePictural genres reinvested
Genre Scenes and Portraiture: Representing Childhood - AWARE
19.06.2020 | Nina Meisel

Genre Scenes and Portraiture: Representing Childhood

The emergence of bourgeois society in the nineteenth century and its quest for social expression ... Read more
Medium through the gender prism
Sculpture: An Art Without Women? - AWARE
12.06.2020 | Nina Meisel

Sculpture: An Art Without Women?

Camille Claudel (1864-1943) appears to be the embodiment of French female sculptors, yet she was ... Read more
Parisian scene of the early 20th centuryMedium through the gender prism
Hand, Eye, Camera: Female Photographers in Paris Between the Wars - AWARE
05.06.2020 | Julie Sabau

Hand, Eye, Camera: Female Photographers in Paris Between the Wars

In the wake of the First World War many women took up photography. Paris, centre of the avant-gar... Read more
Private space, public space
Artist Couples: For Better or For Worse? - AWARE
29.05.2020 | Nina Meisel

Artist Couples: For Better or For Worse?

In the history of art, many artist couples have made their mark, such as Anna-Eva Bergman (1909-1... Read more
Committed artists, creation in support
Women Artists and Environmental Issues - AWARE
15.05.2020 | Anaïs Roesch

Women Artists and Environmental Issues

Nature has long been a source of inspiration and the subject of representation for artists. Howev... Read more
Genre, history and artistic movements
Abstraction: A Man’s Affair? - AWARE
08.05.2020 | Nina Meisel

Abstraction: A Man’s Affair?

Abstraction was the artistic revolution of the 20th century. Influenced by the development of qua... Read more
Genre, history and artistic movements
Women Surrealist Artists - AWARE
01.05.2020 | Julie Sabau

Women Surrealist Artists

The Surrealist group formed in Paris in 1924 around André Breton. Published that same year, the S... Read more
Private space, public space
Female Artists Take Over Parisian Transport - AWARE
24.04.2020 | Pauline Créteur

Female Artists Take Over Parisian Transport

Since its creation at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Parisian metro has welcomed art... Read more
Genre, history and artistic movements
Female artists, the great forgotten ones in art history? - AWARE
15.04.2020 | Nina Meisel

Female artists, the great forgotten ones in art history?

The place and importance of female artists in art history is still not self-evident for everyone.... Read more

of Women Artists
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