Tatai Erzsébet, Marianne Csáky, Budapest, Libratallér, 2014
Perhaps in space – solo show, Budapest, Inda Gallery, 2013
Hungarian sculptor.
During her studies in Budapest, Marianne Csaky developed a visual language that revolves around a premise: the impossibility of expressing everyday symbols, inner depth, desires and experiences in words. The artist explores the body’s relationship to the self-image it reflects – an image that it is at times difficult to identity oneself in. In this respect she refers to the myth of Hermaphrodite and the ambivalence of Androgyne, according to Plato. She is also inspired by the works of Sade, Virginia Woolf and Freud. In her compositions and installations based on her own sculptural and pictorial works as well as found old family photos, she relegates what we think we see to the background while playing on the raw representation of bodies, eroticism and sexuality, as László Százados stated.
These experiments upset usual points of view and lead to the questioning of taboos. In order to overturn the patterns and stereotypes of everyday thinking, roles are often reversed, past and present mixed. She lives in Budapest and often publishes poems, essays, translations and other writings.