Tomorrow, We Move?

How can one think about isolation when it is forced upon us? Can it really be a thought detached from the hopes of getting out of it as quickly and as effectively as possible? Doesn’t living it inevitably mean going through it with the mind elsewhere, focused on what’s next, thinking about potential developments, rearrangements and necessary moves? Following the example of Chantal Akerman’s film from which this project borrows its title, AWARE attempts to open up a new space for exchange that will allow us to address a reality haunted by disaster with hope.

Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann, Violaine Lochu, Hélène Bertin and Tiphaine Calmettes– winners of the AWARE Prize from 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively– are invited to answer this question as freely as possible. By sending them this invitation, AWARE intends to renew its support for these artists whose work we embrace, in the unprecedented context of the current health crisis that is weakening the economy of independent intellectual and artistic professions. Their respective responses– both written and/or visual form– will be posted on our website starting.

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Villa Vassilieff - 21, avenue du Maine 75015 Paris (France) — info[at]aware-art[.]org — +33 (0)1 55 26 90 29