
Symposium papers

Published on 01.06.2023

Faire œuvre


Militant Educational Spaces, Transmission of Artistic Knowledge and Political Awareness: The Klonaris/Thomadaki Super 8 Workshops in the 1980s

Ana Bordenave


While the feminist struggles of the 1970s were influential in the field of visual arts, the crossover between artistic creation and feminist activism was not as straightforward in the French context. The works of Maria Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki stood out as an exception at the time. The duo of Greek experimental filmmakers, visual artists and theoreticians moved to Paris in 1975 and built a feminist-driven body of work, as evidenced among other things by the Super 8 women’s workshops they held in the 1980s. This article relies on the Klonaris/Thomadaki archives to present these workshops, their teaching methods and the ways in which they interacted with the militant and artistic context. These alternative spaces brought together women of various occupations and encouraged individual expression, much like the women-only discussion groups and artists’ collectives of the 1970s. In addition to offering technical training, they gave women a place to meet, create and campaign together.


of Women Artists
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