
Symposium papers

Published on 15.05.2019

Women Artists Shows· Salons· Societies 1870s-1970s


L’Esposizione internazionale femminile di Belle Arti (Torino, 1910-1911; 1913). Note su genere, arte e professione in Italia all’inizio del XX secolo

Francesca Lombardi


This essay describes the two Esposizioni Internazionali Femminili di Belle Arti, which were the first international events for women artists ever held in Italy. The exibitions organised in Turin (in 1910-11 and 1913 respectively) were promoted by the magazine La Donna. They took place at a very important time for the development of a new status for women artists, giving more visibility and legitimacy to their artistic production. By using archival sources and contemporary documents, the essay describes the way in which this experience took place and highlights the complexity of institutional, social, patronage and matronage network contributing to its success.


Francesca Lombardi, storica dell’arte specializzata presso l’Università degli Studi di Siena, ha collaborato come ricercatrice con l’Università Roma Tre e il C.N.R. Attualmente lavora per la Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. Nell’ambito delle sue ricerche sulla cultura figurativa tra XIX e XX secolo, ha approfondito in particolare il tema della produzione artistica femminile.

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