The Women Artists Shows.Salons.Societies project was launched in 2017 as a collaboration between Artl@s and AWARE. Combining AWARE’s ambitions to restore the presence of 20th-century women artists in the history of art, and Artl@s’s desire to provide scholars with the data and tools necessary to question the canonical art historical narratives through quantitative and cartographic analyses, we decided to work on group exhibitions of women artists.
Our first ambition is to build a community of scholars and work together to develop a common terminology and even possibly a common and consistent methodology to study these events, because the ones used in the field of exhibition history are inadequate.None of these exhibitions “made art history” or can be thought as “exemplary,”and the discursive silence that surrounds them require art historians to come-up with new questions, new research strategies, and new discourses.
Through the programs we organized and will organize, and through the tools and resources we are making available to the public, including this issue of the Artl@s Bulletin, we also want to contribute to a global history of all-women exhibitions from the 1870s to the 1970s.
Une exposition historique de femmes artistes s’ouvrit à Rome en février 1977 : installée dans une galerie privée, la première rétrospective consacrée aux artistes italiennes du XXe siècle avait été organisée à l’occasion de la parution du livre Il complesso di Michelangelo [Le complexe de Michel-Ange], écrit par l’artiste Simona Weller. Cet ouvrage, premier essai de recensement de la présence féminine dans l’art contemporain en Italie, citait 270 artistes tout au long du siècle, la plupart d’entre elles oubliées ou inconnues ; seules les artistes professionnelles étaient prises en considération.
Laura Iamurri est professeure d’histoire de l’art contemporain à l’université Roma Tre, où elle est également membre de l’école doctorale en Histoire, territoire et patrimoine culturel.