
2017 - AWARE
Landscapes of War: Women and Art Making in South Kurdistan - AWARE
27.09.2024 | Isabel Käser and Houzan Mahmoud

Landscapes of War: Women and Art Making in South Kurdistan

Material Girls: Performative Corporeality in the Works of Three Pioneer Israeli Artists of the 1970s – Yocheved Weinfeld, Efrat Natan and Adina Bar-On - AWARE
02.08.2024 | Idit Suslik

Material Girls: Performative Corporeality in the Works of Three Pioneer Israeli Artists of the 1970s – Yocheved Weinfeld, Efrat Natan and Adina Bar-On

Centering Guyanese Women’s Art and Migration Narratives - AWARE
12.07.2024 | Grace Aneiza Ali

Centering Guyanese Women’s Art and Migration Narratives

Unbridled Abundance: Contemporary Feminist Art and Ageing - AWARE
01.12.2023 | Jacqueline Millner

Unbridled Abundance: Contemporary Feminist Art and Ageing

Dispossessed: Portraiture and Property in the Case of Astrid Proll - AWARE
10.11.2023 | Alexandra Symons Sutcliffe

Dispossessed: Portraiture and Property in the Case of Astrid Proll

Learning How to Deal with Traumas with Martha Wilson’s Joy - AWARE
16.03.2023 | Ewa Giezek

Learning How to Deal with Traumas with Martha Wilson’s Joy

Representation and Participation: Indigenous Latin American artists in the Transition between Two Centuries - AWARE
27.01.2023 | Andrea Giunta

Representation and Participation: Indigenous Latin American artists in the Transition between Two Centuries

Experience as an Affective Methodology of Investigation - AWARE
23.09.2022 | María Laura Rosa

Experience as an Affective Methodology of Investigation

Soun Gui Kim, a Korean Artist in France: Art as a Form of Resistance - AWARE
03.06.2022 | Sujin Kim

Soun Gui Kim, a Korean Artist in France: Art as a Form of Resistance

African-American Women Artists in French Public Collections: Acquisitions from the 1970s to the Present Day - AWARE
05.05.2022 | Kelly-Christina Grant

African-American Women Artists in French Public Collections: Acquisitions from the 1970s to the Present Day

Exhibition review
New Time: Art and Feminisms in the 21st Century - AWARE
22.04.2022 | Adélie Leguen

New Time: Art and Feminisms in the 21st Century

Exhibition review
Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now - AWARE
21.01.2022 | Jacqueline Millner

Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now

Fatoş Irwen: Corporeal Forms of Collective Memory - AWARE
07.01.2022 | Fatoş Irwen & Ceren Özpınar

Fatoş Irwen: Corporeal Forms of Collective Memory

Lucha/Libre: Lourdes Grobet and the radical reframing of 20th-century Mexico - AWARE
24.09.2021 | Miller Schulman

Lucha/Libre: Lourdes Grobet and the radical reframing of 20th-century Mexico

The Women of the British Black Arts Movement - AWARE
20.08.2021 | Aurella Yussuf

The Women of the British Black Arts Movement

Exhibition review
<i>The Power of My Hands</i> – Palms and Fists Raised - AWARE
06.08.2021 | Louise Thurin

The Power of My Hands – Palms and Fists Raised

Ishiuchi Miyako: Photography as a Trace - AWARE
11.07.2020 | Anaïs Roesch & Matylda Taszycka

Ishiuchi Miyako: Photography as a Trace

Thesis or dissertation abstract
Between socialism and capitalism: woman’s body in the art of Sanja Iveković, Orshi Drozdik and Eglė Rakauskaitė - AWARE
10.05.2020 | Anna Zielazny

Between socialism and capitalism: woman’s body in the art of Sanja Iveković, Orshi Drozdik and Eglė Rakauskaitė

of Women Artists
& Exhibitions

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Villa Vassilieff - 21, avenue du Maine 75015 Paris (France) — info[at]aware-art[.]org — +33 (0)1 55 26 90 29