Symposium papers
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“Non più Cenerentole!” – The Società delle Artiste at the 1906 Mostra Nazionale di Belle Arti in Milan
Chiara Iorino
The Society of Women Artists was created in Rome in the house of the painter Ida Salvagnini Bidoli and her husband Francesco Alberto Salvagnini. Its members presented themselves as a group at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts during the International Exhibition of Sempione in Milan in 1906 where they managed to get their own room. This article will describe the difficulties encountered by these artists, show the importance of the exhibition as a site where artistic ambitions coincided with the women’s movement and contextualize this Society within the broader transformations of women’s roles in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century
Chiara Iorino holds an MA in Art History (Bologna University) and an MA in Arts Policy and Management (Birkbeck University) and was a visiting scholar at the Center for Gender Studies (ZtG) at Humboldt University. She is a PhD student at IMT-School for Advanced Studies in Lucca focusing on visual culture and women’s movements in 20th-century Italy.