
Symposium papers

Published on 15.05.2019

Women Artists Shows· Salons· Societies 1870s-1970s


The Exhibition Contribuição da mulher às artes plásticas no país and the Silence of Brazilian Art Criticism

Marina Mazze Cerchiaro, Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, and Talita Trizoli


In 1960 the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art inaugurated the exhibition Contribuição da mulher às artes plásticas no país. This was the first female collective exhibition of a large scale to happen in Brazil. However, although it happened in a prestigious institution and it gathered renowned artists, this exhibition did not get extensive press coverage and it did not inspire similar initiatives during the decade. This article proposes a reflection on this silence and on the resistance of Brazilian artistic circles to treating women artists as a collective, which could explain the late impact of feminism in this field.


Marina Mazze Cerchiaro, PhD student in Aesthetics and Art History at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo with a FAPESP scholarship. Her thesis focuses on the process of building the reputation of the Brazilian female sculptors from the 1940s to the 1960s who won the firsts Biennials of São Paulo (1951-1965).

Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, Professor at the Institute of Brazilian Studies of the University of São Paulo. She is the author of several researches and publications in the area of sociology of art, in particular on the relations between art and gender in Brazil.

Talita Trizoli, PhD in Education at the University of São Paulo with a FAPESP scholarship. Her research addressed the presence of feminist issues in the works of Brazilian female artists during the 1960-1970s, and the problems of critical reception.

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