Fina Miralles

1950 | Sabadell, Spain
Fina Miralles — AWARE Women artists / Femmes artistes

Fina Miralles, Translacions. Dona-arbre [Translations. Woman-Tree], documentation of the Performance Carried Out in November 1973 in Sant Llorenç del Munt, Spain, 1973 (1992/2020), exhibition view Fina Miralles. Soc totes les que he sigut[Fina Miralles. I Am All the Selves that I Have Been], Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona [November 5, 2020 – April 5, 2021], © MACBA, © Photo: Roberto Ruiz

Spanish Conceptual artist.

Lola Visglerio Gómez

Translated from Spanish by Leo Stephen Turgoff.

A notice produced as part of the TEAM international academic network: Teaching, E-learning, Agency and Mentoring

© Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions, 2022
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Biography published in the framework of the programme
TEAM: Teaching, E-learning, Agency, Mentoring

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