Rosa Elena Curruchich

19582005 | San Juan Comalapa, Guatemala
Rosa Elena Curruchich — AWARE Women artists / Femmes artistes

Rosa Elena Curruchich,Rosa Elena pintando caserío Chosij [Rosa Elena Painting the Chosij Village], detail, ca. 1980s, oil on canvas, 15.7 x 20 cm, © Juan Pablo Murrugarra

Maya Kaqchikel painter.

Miguel A. López

Translated from the Spanish by Carolina Hernández Muñoz.

A biography produced as part of “The Origin of Others. Rewriting Art History in the Americas, 19th Century – Today” research programme, in partnership with the Clark Art Institute.

© Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions, 2023
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Biography published in the framework of the programme
Rewriting Art History in the Americas

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