
2017 - AWARE
Mónica Millán and the community of weavers of Yataity del Guayrá - AWARE
08.11.2024 | María Laura Rosa

Mónica Millán and the community of weavers of Yataity del Guayrá

María Jerez & Silvia Zayas: Artists & Animals, Caring About Non-Human Voices - AWARE
23.02.2024 | Concepción Cortés Zulueta

María Jerez & Silvia Zayas: Artists & Animals, Caring About Non-Human Voices

BuBu de la Madeleine’s Mermaid Revolution - AWARE
09.02.2024 | Akiko Mizoguchi & Emalyn

BuBu de la Madeleine’s Mermaid Revolution

Unbridled Abundance: Contemporary Feminist Art and Ageing - AWARE
01.12.2023 | Jacqueline Millner

Unbridled Abundance: Contemporary Feminist Art and Ageing

Feminist Cruelties. Agency and Politics of the Pain in the Work of Alyona Tokovenko and AntiGonna - AWARE
27.10.2023 | Natalia Sielewicz

Feminist Cruelties. Agency and Politics of the Pain in the Work of Alyona Tokovenko and AntiGonna

Ecofeminism in Contemporary Art: an Australian Perspective - AWARE
12.05.2023 | Jacqueline Millner

Ecofeminism in Contemporary Art: an Australian Perspective

Learning How to Deal with Traumas with Martha Wilson’s Joy - AWARE
16.03.2023 | Ewa Giezek

Learning How to Deal with Traumas with Martha Wilson’s Joy

Soun Gui Kim, a Korean Artist in France: Art as a Form of Resistance - AWARE
03.06.2022 | Sujin Kim

Soun Gui Kim, a Korean Artist in France: Art as a Form of Resistance

Amelia Jones in dialogue with Nancy Buchanan, “Truly for Real” - AWARE
22.10.2021 | Amelia Jones

Amelia Jones in dialogue with Nancy Buchanan, “Truly for Real”

Care and Art - AWARE
09.07.2021 | Jacqueline Millner

Care and Art

Thesis or dissertation abstract
Between socialism and capitalism: woman’s body in the art of Sanja Iveković, Orshi Drozdik and Eglė Rakauskaitė - AWARE
10.05.2020 | Anna Zielazny

Between socialism and capitalism: woman’s body in the art of Sanja Iveković, Orshi Drozdik and Eglė Rakauskaitė

Exhibition review
Variations of Perception in Dóra Maurer’s Work - AWARE
22.02.2020 | Adélie Le Guen

Variations of Perception in Dóra Maurer’s Work

Exhibition review
Nalini Malani: A work between personal experience and torments of history - AWARE
16.12.2017 | Marie Perennès

Nalini Malani: A work between personal experience and torments of history

Exhibition review
In the heart of Echo Chamber by Anne-Marie Schneider - AWARE
12.12.2017 | Mathilde Hivert

In the heart of Echo Chamber by Anne-Marie Schneider

Exhibition review
Élisabeth Ballet at the MAC VAL:  Retrospective as Work of Art - AWARE
02.12.2017 | Camille Viéville

Élisabeth Ballet at the MAC VAL: Retrospective as Work of Art

VALIE EXPORT: Image and Body Space - AWARE
06.11.2017 | Rose-Anne Gush

VALIE EXPORT: Image and Body Space

Exhibition review
Nicola L.: a one-of-a-kind artist - AWARE
21.10.2017 | Mathilde Bartier

Nicola L.: a one-of-a-kind artist

Exhibition review
The machinations of Hélène Delprat at La Maison rouge - AWARE
01.09.2017 | Mathilde Hivert

The machinations of Hélène Delprat at La Maison rouge

of Women Artists
& Exhibitions

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Villa Vassilieff - 21, avenue du Maine 75015 Paris (France) — info[at]aware-art[.]org — +33 (0)1 55 26 90 29